Marisa Salazar
Science Instructor
Marisa Salazar is an Integrated Chemistry and Physics, Anatomy and Physiology, and Environmental Science Instructor. Having grown-up a third generation East Mountainer, Marisa relishes returning to her community to share her passion for science and all things ‘great and small’ . She holds a BA in Earth and Planetary Science and a MA in Instructional Leadership and Curriculum Design. When not working, Marisa can be found during these pandemic times, with her partner-in-crime Jude at their new home in the North Valley where they watch the neighborhood Great Horned Owls, a pair of roadrunners, and Spadefoot toads galore. When they are not remodeling, Jude and Marisa may be shaking a tail-feather, camping, or dreaming of far-away adventures when travel is possible.